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In such a competitive industry, Andrew Swift will always go above and beyond to provide our clients with the very best talent available in the marketplace.

Why Andrew Swift?

Using the ‘5 S’ approach enables us to consistently deliver quality candidates time and time again.  With over 40 years collective recruitment experience amongst the senior team, we’ve devised a ‘5 S’ approach that we feel enables us to consistently deliver quality candidates time and time again.

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1.  Sourcing 

It begins with the initial Sourcing function and we utilise a variety of different methods to locate the very best candidates available in the marketplace. The specific requirements of the role will determine which particular methods we use.

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2.  Screening

We then move onto the Screening stage, which involves meeting the candidate and interviewing them either in person or over the phone to assess their suitability for the post. This includes taking both professional and character references at the start of the process to avoid issues further down the line.

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3.  Shortlist

Following on from this process and after interviewing a number of prospective candidates, we develop a shortlist based on your specific job requirements. We will brief them fully on the vacancy available and determine their overall level of suitability.

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4.  Select

Using the knowledge and insight we’ve acquired, we then select the best candidates for your position.

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5.  Submit

The final stage of our recruitment process involves the creation of a profile for our preferred candidates.  We submit this to you along with a detailed synopsis of why we think this person is the right fit for your vacancy, for your company and for your future.

To discuss how we can connect your business with the best talent,

please call us on 01457 761 116 or email at

Alternatively, simply submit your enquiry using the form below.

We look forward to hearing from you soon! 

Employers Enquiry Form

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Thank you for contacting us we will be in touch very soon

Employers Enquiry form
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